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Individual Tax and Advisory Services

IF EVER A PARTNER WAS NEEDED... it is for personal tax preparation and filing.

Simple, moderate, or complex, partnering with DAS is a smart move. Our tax & accounting experts are walking dictionaries well versed on current tax legislation. DAS tax submission is a seal of quality assurance; a lighthouse amidst turbulent tides of adversity that our tax system relentlessly poses. When you submit your taxes through DAS you're demonstrating that you care about promptness, organization, and accuracy - This decreases the chance of an audit while maximizing your refund and/or reducing your potential tax liability.

If you're attempting to do it yourself, you're like a sheep among wolves. For the budget-constrained, never fear; you CAN afford it - In fact, you CAN'T afford not to partner with a tax expert.

Securing your future begins with professional guidance. From taxes to investments to setting up trusts and structuring your estate, we help you grow and protect your wealth.

Personal financial statements [for loan applications & investment opportunities]
Individual and executive tax planning
Preparation of individual federal and state income tax returns
Offers in Compromise to federal and state tax authorities
Assistance with other tax delinquencies and controversies
Personal financial planning
Estate planning

Schedule a complimentary consultation TODAY .




DAS Consultants & Tax Services, Inc.
All Contents ©Copyright 2013 DAS Consultants & Tax Services, Inc.